Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Hello BSIT 4th year!

We will discuss next time the fabric of CAPSTONE so that you will understand the mechanics of  your research paper.

Here are the Lists of research areas to write/design your Thesis/Capstone and systems.



1. Multimedia Systems
1.1 Game Development
1.2 e-Learning Systems
1.3 Interactive Systems
1.4 Information Kioss
1.5 Mobile apps
1.6 Animation

2. Software Development
2..1 Software Customization
2.2 Information System s Development and Pilot testing for an actual client
2.3 Web Application Development with at least alpha testing on live servers
2.4 Mobile Technology

3. Network Design  and Management

4. IT Managment
4.1 IT Planning for EDP and MIS
4.2 IT security ANalysis

5. Software Development
5.1 Web Application
5.2 Management Information System for clients
5.3 Computing for Mobile Systems
5.6  Strategic Resource Planning


1. Mobile COmputing SYstem
2. Decision support and expert systems
3. Software Utilities, tools, simulators, compilers, security programs
4. Intelligent Systems
5. Signal processing
6. Imaging
7. Interpreted and compilers
8.Data Mining
9.Patterened Recognition
10. Graphics Application
11.CLoud COmputing
12. Embeded Systems
13. Emerging Technologies
14. Usability
15. Affective and Emphatic Computing
16. Interfacing
17. Data Structure and Algorithm Design
18. Web Semantics
19. Theory of Coding, lexemes and syntax
20. Programming Languages
21. Modelling and Simulation

For now these particulars will serve as your guide to think of a title.

FOr clarification. THE CAPSTONE is use to focus on the business analytics or in the business process. It needs a proposed structure, documentation and solution to address the problem of a target Entity or a Company.

How to create a title? we will discuss that starting this week, types of research and how to attack the problem.

Please Review PHP,html,jscript,mysql. For the adventurers we can discuss vba,ms access,vb.net  and asp.

Have fun and embrace thesis writing and writing a software. Start now!

Example of Capstone title:

* CLient Management Monitoring and Anaylsis: Proposed System for ABC Company
* Web Based Point of Sale for LawSe Hardaware.

Example of Thesis title

* The effect of Mobile Casual games to the Phinma-UI BED pupils
* Resource Enterprise Software as a tool for human capitalism

C- reate I - innoVate T- weaks E- volve (CITE)!!!!


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Road Map to Programming (The felicity of Programming)

(For BSIT 3 Students of UI-Phinma)

Sorry, I could not report today, a sudden crucial matters came up.ANyway we can still continue  the discussion here.

REmember last time about the Javascript and Java that we have discussed? its all about IPO (Input Process Output).
What to do?

1. Learn the Syntax of the commands
1.1 Sysntax - structure of the commands
2. Learn the Platform of the program
2.2 Plaform its compatability to the OS, IDE and Hardware Interface
3. Always Read the current trends in technology

4. Understand the Data STRUCTURE ( Data types)

Please review the Flowcharting and its symbols, it can help you to nourished your knowledge in SAD
At the same time keep on practicing by reciting the codes and writing it in your paper.

For THE JS. Please read and review these commands.

1. { }
2. function
3. Prompt
4. Document.write
5. Alert
6. FOr loop
7. do while
8. while loop
9. If and Else
10. Switch.

I want you to master these commands, once we meet on wednesday we can overcome the activities.

Finish your Mini Payroll  project together with the flowchart.

Finish your Quiz project , that's composed of 50 questions?

The deadline of Mini Payroll and QUiz Project is on September 22. Submit the source codes of your JS, hard copy(printed) and printed flowchart, all in long bandpaper.

Start to engage in Microsoft Platform, read VBA and basic of MS ACCESS.

MS ACCESS is a programming tool for different business applications.

MS ACCESS is the counterpart of DB2. But they can be connected using the cross platform database
connection. The extension of MSACCESS program is MDB (Microsoft Access Data Base).

There are books of VBasic and MSAccess (basics) in the library, just go to the OPAC of the Library and search this "MS ACCESS" or "Visual BASIC".

We will ask permission to the ITD to install the MS ACCESS as part of the MS OFFICE suit in CL5, but let us cooperate. If you want to expedite your knowledge in MSACCESS and VB.NET please bring your laptop to hit the discussion even in the lecture time.

What to do? Read MS ACCESS, you can go to the lib or go to the Academic Lab today. Search the basic of MS ACCESS AND ITS PURPOSE as a prOgramming tool.

ELements of Access

1. * Table
2.* Query
3. *FOrm
4.* Report
5. *Module
6. *query
7. *Page

Review these particulars!!!!

Basic commands of MS ACCESS

1. *Private Sub (name of code)
2. *end sub
3.* DIM < - declaring a variable
5.* docmd (Form,query,report,table,report)
6.* IF ...ELSE and ENDIF
7.* SElect Case

Data Types in VBA/MS ACCESS

1.*Integer/Number/long Int/
3.* Object/OLE
4.* Date/short date/medium date/long date

ORIGIN * - Assignments, hand written (1 whole sheet of pad paper)

Thank you.