Day 3 (October 20, 2020)

Hello Students! I am Dr.Arnold M. Fuentes , your RAD Web Sys Tech Professor.  I hate too much introduction that covers my self circumstances. But for the sake of  acquaintance I am divulging my thing here.

I am an Animator, Comic Illustrator and a Software Developer by Profession. ...Coding and crunching different apps is my hobby and doing shorts of shorts animation. I am inclined in various sports particular in Basketball. 


Hello, we need to push this QMethods, so that we can augment our 308. Please check the solutions in Mod 14**

Dec 4,2020

Mod 18 (307) Mirror guide as solutions. Please review the different instruments for data validation.Use the Hypothesis = Ho and Ha to validate the data. 

Activity 3. A.

1. Ho: There is no difference between the male, female and gays choice on factors that make them happy.

     Ha: There is difference between the male, female and gays choice on factors that make them happy.

2. Level of significance = .01 (1%)

3. df = 3, X2-tabular = 11.34

5. X2 = Σ ( (fo - fe)2  /  fe )  = 14.3001

6. Is X2-computed > X2-tabular? Yes. Reject Ho and accept Ha

7. There is difference between the male, female and gays choice on factors that make them happy.


Activity 5. A.

1. Ho: The proportion of rookies, veterans, and All-Stars is 30%, 60% and 10%, respectively.

     Ha: At least one of the proportions in the null hypothesis is false.

2. Level of significance = .05 (5%)

3. df = 2, X2-tabular = 5.99

5. X2 = Σ ( (fo - fe)2  /  fe )  = 19.58

6. Is X2-computed > X2-tabular? Yes. Reject Ho and accept Ha

7. There At least one of the proportions in the null hypothesis is false.


Dec 4, 2020

We will use these samples to translate 307 in 308 application. Please check and determine find your own computations in Chi Square

Mod 19

Activity 3.

Compute the observed frequencies: add the rows and columns and grand total:


Like Scary Movies

Don’t Like Scary Movies














Compute the expected frequencies:  fe = (Row Total * Column Total) / Grand Total


Like Scary Movies

Don’t Like Scary Movies




















1. State the Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis

Ho:  The students’ gender and preference for scary movies are independent (or not related).

Ha:  The students’ gender and preference for scary movies are dependent (or related).


2. Choose level of significance : Level of significance =  .1 (10%)


3. Decide the test statistics to be used and the critical value (chi-square distribution table at the last page)

df = ( col  – 1 ) * ( row – 1 ) = ( 2  – 1 ) * ( 2  – 1 ) = 1 * 1 = 1 Chi-square (X2)-tabular = 2.71


4. Compute for the value of test statistics





fo - fe

(fo - fe)2

(fo - fe)2  /  fe























 5. Compute for the value of test statistics : X2 = Σ ( (fo - fe)2  /  fe )  = 7.03

6. Make decision: Is X2-computed > X2-tabular? Yes. Reject  Ho and accept Ha

7. State the conclusion: The students’ gender and preference for scary movies are dependent/related.


Activity 5.

 1. The person’s age and his/her preference for movies are independent.

2. 20.09

3. Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

4. 6

5. fe = row total * column total / grand total


Nov 10, 2020

Hello students! there was a problem in my proxy server that will push the moveable text in this app. Anyway I noticed that there are errors in the mod 20 and 21 codes , particular in php. I just finished the app I wrote in php and jscript today!!!

SO? we will convert these modules into a project based!

The project would be an ECHO Learners but if you have any suggestions we can change the name of of the APP.

We will use the php (myphpADmin) to create our own Database and records. 

The name of your database is dbfirst , your table is players.

Fieldnames are: userid-(int)size 3 ;username(varchar)size-40; pword(varchar)-10. "gets???" How to add records in your menu (phpMyADmin) click insert and start to enter your own userid,username and password.

This is my own version of writing the program.



!doctype html>

<title>login </title>



     <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8' />


     <meta charset="utf-8">

     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">



<h1>RAD 309 Project Based Prototype</h1> 

<div class="form-group">

<form action = "show.php" method = "post">

   Enter username:  

   <input type = "text" class="form-control" style = "color:blue;"name = "uname" placeholder = "enter username"  REQUIRED><br>

   Enter password:

   <input type = "password" class="form-control" name = "pin" placeholder = "enter password" REQUIRED >

   <input type = "submit" value = "login" name = "pin1">





I included the bootstrap, but of you are not online you can remove the bold text, save this in your XAMPP/Httdocs folder

For the back end data please use this php file.

save this to show.php

if (array_key_exists("pin1",$_POST)){

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$dbname = "dbfirst";
$remarks= "";

$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

if (!$conn) {
  die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());

if(!(empty($_POST["uname"]) && empty($_POST["pin"]))){

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM players WHERE username='".$un."' AND pword='".$pn. "';";
    $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

     if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
           echo "<script> alert(' rest for a while'); </script>";
          // header("location:main.php");
          echo "<h1 style = 'color:red;'>" . "correct!" . "</h1>";  
     }else {
   $remarks = "error!!!"; 
   echo "<h1 style = 'color:red;' >" .$remarks . "</h1>"; 
   echo "<h1 style = 'color:red;' >" . "</h1>";  
   echo "error";

   } //2nd if
}  //1st if

to execute these program. open your localhost and type  -> login.php , this is the first part. please study the codes and ask me.

Codes for "ECHO Learners" will be unfolded this week, so enjoy!!!! I have already finished the app and I will teach you on how to assemble the remaining stuff!

Oct 20, 2020

Hello students, Sorry for the delay, there is something wrong with my autobot to upgrade this app. Anyway  I assume  that you are now working your Module 6,7, and 8. The P1 examination is coming

the scheduled P1 Examination is October 22 

(M,Th class), October 23 (T, F class), and October 24 

(W, Sat class).

Don't be stressed or be burned outs. The purpose of the Exam is to test your spirit of stuff that you have learned in mod 1 to 8. SO ...I won't unleash much on HTML stuff. I will directly dive to CSS.

"kasi si HTML pag alam mo na si Tags at si Elements at as Attribute alam mo na ang basics"

What is CSS? it is the make up of the HTML, it modifies the format of every pages. We have the Class type and the ID type.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media
CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once
External stylesheets are stored in CSS files

example of elements are all TAGS enclosed of < > . gets ba?

"simple lang si css meron yang" SELECTOR  at DECLARATION, it is the  same if you are writing your program in Python using the Dictionary. It has Keys:Values. "gets ba?"

Selector = <p>   Declarator = > font-size:34em

You can use the different selectors...like Element selector 

example:   p {font-size:34px;color:red}

Or the id selector  using # and the class using the <period>. Focus..focus.. and please check how the statements works. "nalilito ka lang kasi ang tinitingnan mo commands" please read the usage of the selectors and declarator.

In this example you have 3 selector class? "ano ba ang mga yan?" .serif;.sanserif;.monospace The class has <period> the id has <#> symbol.

Let me explain this..we use the P element (paragraph to call/invoke the following classess. Mentioned at the top. So when this class are called it change the attributes/behavior of the elements object inside

"Ang elements objects na yan" that is your data sets by the attributes - >claSS declared in your CSS.
"gets ba?"

If you are using a cellphone and you don't have a laptop? what to do? download a any text editor and type the example at the top. Save it as <anfile.html> and save it to your iOs or android folder ->like android/data/folder.

How to run? open your browser(any browser in your android or Ios Phone and locate your HTML file.

Voila! now you run the html program using  your Phone.

Our schedule is every T-F. What will happen to Wed and Sat? That is the lab sched.

We will use wed/Sat to other means like, working on  your modules. You can ask questions every T-F. So what's with the module today? I think you are good at doing it. Let me remind you to read the instructions. Please...read it before asking questions..

This is our temperature in our RAD ITE308 class.

1.Attend the Morning and Afternoon sessions.

2. Read our FB Group announcements and watch our GC'.

3.This app is a module explainer that will give you a direct tutorial for the subject.

Most of the questions are in the SKILL BUILDING ACTIVITY. 

Skill Building Activity is very crucial in every module. "Para ma complete at ma feel mo si module dapat sundin mo ang Skill activity sets ni Skill Building Activity"

Its the heart of the module, it gives you a journey or a tour to an immersion how to perform such activity in real application.

Web System Tech is about web stuff, depicting the Architecture, Frameworks etc. The bottom line here is to understand how does Web works?  Like requesting the Data using the Front end( that is your html,css, and CSS framework for responsive display).

The basics of Web technology starts first to its architecture. Understanding the http, https. ip,ipv6, the dns, domain and the hyper text functions. These are very basics

Advancing  to coding like fusing the html is useless unless you care and comprehend how the web works.

That's all for now. You can put your comment or questions below in order for me  to discuss your most concerned topic.


If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask. Okey?

"tanong lang andito ako"

(updated now)

How are you SJC students? I saw the temperature data , most of you have already a basic knowledge in Javascript, html5, css...

Its good that you filled up the form. This is our starting point. "SO ano ang laman ng module sa IT 308?" its about web system technology.

You will be studying about the basics of  Web infra, and the architecture. "May mga technical terms sa loob, pag hinde kaya" please don't hesitate to ask me. "TUTURUAN kita"

In my own observation in the ITE 308,part I is about the architecture and the infrastructure of the web. Part II is about knowing  the hyper text mark up language. "Dito meron ng mga HTML activites" plus how to include the Cascading Style sheets"

Again in Part II there is now the introduction to front end and backend. "Paano gagamitin si HTML sa Database with php(Pre hyper text processor) "na ginawa ni Rasmus Ledorf."

In database discussion , you will be directed on how to use the Database Driver, using the Mysql.

In Part III "etoo na ang mini project ni module". No worries I will be there to help you. The purpose of this project is to train you on how to create your own application with documentation.

"Walang stress pagagaanin natin ang module"


About your module

Treat your module as your chum, friend, colleague and "Ka tropa". If you find something difficult to the module, "Mag tanong lang" or you can post your questions or concerns to our GC.

In your module, you need to INVEST time to read and study the content. Our TARGET is very simple. "Ano ang target natin?"

* EARN and LEARN "yan lang ang target".

Don't think too much and pressure yourself, as your Professor in this subject I will be glad if you will asks questions.

Tasks in the module

  • Read the instructions and the MAIN LESSON
  • Answer the questions/evaluations/activities
    • Skills Building
    • Progress Chart/table
    • Paper and Pencil Evaluation
    • Frequent Ask Questions.
Class Policy

  • Attendance is very important , I will provide you the form for that or any related materials for checking the attendance
  • Questions concerns every M-F Only from 8-4Pm

Term Examination
  • Day 9-10 (prelim); Day 17-18(Midterm);Day(26-27)Midterm
  • Please settle your accounts before the date of the Examination

Note* From time to time please check your app